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- 12/30/2020
Early Beta Sign Ups start NOW!
Early sign ups for the open beta have begun! Sign up as quick as you can to minimize your wait once the beta is released!
- 12/30/2020
Hello from FR Sunrise!
Free Realms Sunrise is now known as FR Sunrise!
What is FR Sunrise?

FR Sunrise is a free, unofficial revival of Daybreak Game Company's Free Realms.
Explore a full 3D virtual world and do whatever you want, whenever you want!
In Free Realms, YOU RULE. Keep scrolling to see what Free Realms is all about!

Adopt a pet of your choice at the Adoption Center! Each pet has their own personality!
From cute cats and dogs to marshmallows, you're sure to find a friend by your side as you explore Free Realms!

Grab your gear and head out in search of the fiercest of creatures!
From Robgoblins to Giant Spiders, you'll have plenty of foes to face in fast-paced combat!
Sharpen your skills as you level up in both group and solo battles!

Free Realms is the online hangout. Once you create an account, you'll have your own profile page to stay up-to-date on what your friends are doing and the latest events!
Once you're in the game, meet up with your friends to chat, battle foes, or just hang out!

Race atop the icy summits of Snowhill, delve deep into the dark forests of Blackspore, catch some rays in sunny Seaside, or explore the history of Memorial Caverns!

Create your online you! Choose a human or pixie and customize! Perfect your character as you play and level up!
With a whole host of jobs like ninja, archer, and postman, you can be a ninja one minute and a brawler the next!
In Free Realms, there are countless ways to play, explore and interact with other players.

Play both in-world minigames and casual minigames!
Go fishing for treasure, compete in timed footraces, or round up baby chickens! Or play casual games like tower defense and classics like checkers and chess!